Power Quest

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Power Quest - Wings of Forever (2002)

1. Prelude To Destiny 01:45
2. Wings of Forever 05:31
3. Far Away 04:48
4. Glory Tonight 06:09
5. Power Quest (part 1) 07:39
6. Beyond The Stars 04:43
7. Immortal Plains 05:45
8. Follow Your Heart 06:24
9. Freedom of Thought 07:04
10. Distant Lands 02:26
11. Gates Of Tommorow [bonus track]


Pass: http://courseofdarkness.blogspot.com/

Power Quest - Neverworld (2003)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
1. Neverworld (Power Quest part II) 08:59
2. Temple of Fire 04:08
3. Edge of Time 05:51
4. Sacred Land 05:27
5. When I'm Gone 06:26
6. For Evermore 06:43
7. Well of Souls 06:17
8. Into the Light 05:12
9. Lost without You 10:43


Pass: http://courseofdarkness.blogspot.com/

Power Quest - Magic Never Dies (2005)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
1. Ascension (intro) 02:05
2. Find my Heaven 04:14
3. Galaxies Unknown 05:03
4. Hold on to Love 05:02
5. Diamond Sky 03:58
6. The Message 06:15
7. Soulfire 05:04
8. Children of the Dream 06:10
9. Strike Force 06:23
10. Another World 07:44
11. Magic Never Dies 06:13


Pass: http://courseofdarkness.blogspot.com/ 


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